Soar 2022
Schedule and Information

Summer 2022
See below for more information!
Summer programs will begin the week of May 31st. We will be offering several different sessions including early morning, midmorning, early afternoon, and evening sessions. Beginner sessions and advanced, sportspecific options are available. Flexible to start on different dates.
Fall 2022
Fall programs will begin end of August/start of September. Sessions will take place after school. We will be offering our seasonal basketball training program during this session as well!
Late Fall 2022
Late Fall programs will begin end of October/start of November. Sessions will take place after school.

Summer Start Dates:
- 8-10-week options- Tuesday, May 31st and June 1st
• Shorter or longer program options will be available for athletes needing different program lengths or start dates. Start in May or June. - 1-3 days of training available per week.
*Each session will have a limited number of spots available!
For more information on SOAR and SOAR+, please visit us at
You can also find us on Facebook @SOARathlete and Instagram @soar_athletics
Summer Class Schedule: SOAR, SOAR+, and Speed/Strength SOAR
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Classes
- 7 - 8:30 am: SOAR & SOAR+
- 9 - 10:30 am: Advanced Speed/Strength *SOAR+ only
- 11:00 am - 12:30 pm: SOAR & SOAR+
- 1-2:30 pm: SOAR & SOAR+
- 3-4:30 pm: SOAR & SOAR+
Tuesday and Thursday Classes
- 7 - 8:30 am: SOAR & SOAR+
- 9 - 10:30 am: Beginner Speed/Strength *SOAR+ only
- 11:00 am - 12:30 pm: SOAR & SOAR+
- 1 - 2:30 pm: SOAR & SOAR+
- 3 - 4:30 pm: SOAR & SOAR+
*Can also mix and match programs
Pricing Information:
- SOAR+ 3-days per week (includes 24-30 sport-specific training sessions, Body Composition Analysis, Sprint analysis, pre-and post-athletic testing):
• 8 weeks - $505
• 9 weeks - $565
• 10 weeks - $630
- SOAR+ 2 days per week (includes 16-20 sport-specific training sessions, Body Composition Analysis, Sprint analysis, pre-and post-athletic testing):
• 8 weeks - $335
• 9 weeks - $380
• 10 weeks - $420
- SOAR 3-days per week (includes 24-30 training sessions, pre-and post-athletic testing):
• 8 weeks - $410
• 9 weeks - $460
• 10 weeks - $510
- SOAR 2-days per week (includes 16-20 training sessions, pre-and post-athletic testing):
• 8 weeks - $270
• 9 weeks - $305
• 10 weeks - $340
*Pro-rated options available for shorter programs